Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bluehost changes how to signin to Mail Clients

Had trouble finding how to check mail through old squirrelmail.  Still there, just need to click on the little "More" dropdown under the Actions column. I think this was different anyway.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Photoshop CS3 Auto Align Tutorial

Straight to the point, no intro, no time wasted. Great technique explained without fuss.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Remove Blogger Navbar

Login to Blogger, Fined the layout, get to the css; add this:
#navbar-iframe { display: none !important;}

Monday, May 10, 2010

Get rid of embedded Google Maps info bubble

Found lots of advice instructing to change the parm iwloc= to null.  This did not work.  Setting the parm to "pause1" did --
1. Find the location in Google Maps
2. Click Link then Customize and preview embedded map
3. Fuss with the marker but don't close the (ugly, too big) white address bubble.
4. Copy and paste the iframe code into your page.
5. Delete the whole second "See larger Map" link
6. Find the iwloc= parm and replace whatever's there with "pause1".

Try this jQuery gmap plugin

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Photoshop: Shift + Arrow Key moves objects 10 pixels

in reference to:

"Shift + Arrow Key to move objects in Fireworks and Photoshop will move the object in increments of 10 pixels"
- Grid-Based Web Design, Simplified | Design Informer (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

To get mismatched divs to line up

When the div's just won't line up and Dreamweaver isn't giving the yellow highlight clue:
In Dreamweaver:
- click the left menu "format source code" (the "paintcan" icon)
- click "code format settings"
- set the indent to 10 spaces or so and click ok.
- "format source code"
The indents are now so wide, incorrect indents should be obvious.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Crop the Art Board in Illustrator

Often the art board is too big. To crop:
1. Click the Crop tool in the toolbar (looks like a gray pound sign #).
2. Click on the square handles to move the art board in.
3. Click on either of the arrow selection tools, not the art board which resets it back.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Problems creating PDF from Photoshop

While trying to save a document as a pdf in photoshop, I received this error: "could not save a copy because of a program error" on two computers. No matter if I tried to print to Adobe or save as PDF.

Quick research online had me try to write to a different drive, and another suggested to rename the preferences file.

The first definitely didn't work. Perhaps getting rid of the perferences helped but not right away.

One change I definitely made was uncheck the bounding box and fool around with various other settings. Got it working on one computer (HP laptop). Tried to recreate the situation, but will just leave it for good enough now.

By the way, the document was my resume. Note I didn't claim expertise in pdf creation.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Interesting analytics service

A site that includes an analysis of the number of malicious websites also hosted on the same servers that host the site in question. (Not so relavent for the white house.)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Removed AddThis

Noticed a space occasionally opening up above the menu on my portfolio site -- an intermittent bug -- the worst!

StackOverflow identified the id of the div that appeared to be inserting itself in my code. I took the advice and retrieved a fresh copy of the AddThis widget, but still had the problem. Removed AddThis.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Toggle content with a "Read more" / "Close" link

I wanted a simple effect we've seen a hundred times. The first paragraph of a long article, followed by a "Read more..." link, that when pressed, slides more of the article into view and simmulatenously changes the link to read "Close". Naturally, clicking "Close" slides the content back out of view.
Everything I found didn't perform both these functions or was buggy; so I wrote this using JQuery.

You can see a stand-alone demo here.

The link to JQuery on Google's servers:

The JQuery code:

The css:

The Articles section:

P.S. Thanks to for the code highlighting script.