

You know lots of wonderful things, but you're not crazy about fighting with technology. We can create a very nice web presence for you in one session.

This is a blog with free hosting and multiple pages that you can easily update. Twitter is easily integrated into this solution, and this site can be monetized: that is ads can be shown and you earn money when viewers click on them. (This isn't usually wonderfully profitable unless the site becomes popular.)
This is a Blogger site and it contains a blog used by Web Developers Studio. Please compare to other alternatives:

-- a tumbler site (which shows how a custom domain can be used - note the use of the url soapboxwebdesign.com),

-- a Google sites site,

-- a non-self-hosted blog from wordpress.com.   (not to be confused with wordpress.org which maintains the wonderful wordpress blogging engine that is downloaded and self-hosted). 

These free solutions can be customized somewhat.  WDS moved the tabs for these pages from after the heading to above the heading to show there is flexibility within the template.

Here's an embedded spreadsheet to show everyone your schedule:
For advanced sites that are not branded as free solutions,  Web Developers Studio based in Bergen County, NJ, can create custom, hosted sites that are not bound by the various restrictions of the free solutions.