Steve -
You're latest blog post is nicely written of course. I think this style may work for you, but I've mentioned that what makes the rounds most often is not this kind of personal contemplation style.
Folks want to know the specific tricks and tips that you know and that make you a great ethical investor that they want to know too. Readers scan articles quickly looking for a new idea or an organized list of strategies, techniques that may be useful right now.
Your tip about 3PM trades was fascinating insight into your business. It gave me an "insider bit" that made me feel in-the-know with the big boys. I suggested a progressive/ethical investing post because I don't know how to go about researching a company for this and you do.
Stylistically subtitles and bold print help the skimmer. Folks hit the close button the second they loose interest and they have a short attention span. SO..... for popular tastes, this format can't be beat:
6 Steps to an Ethical Portfolio
You want to make money and still be able to look at your mug in the morning.....Blah blah blah for about two lines.
Line two blah blah.
1. Way one, very specific: Here is way's specific. Go to the library and look up this publication. Morningstar newsletters second from the last page lists companies based on how much unicorn blood they've devoured..... Blah blah. Blah blah. Blah blah. Blah blah. Blah blah. For a bit more than this, but not too long. Blah blah.
2. Way two, go to this website: Here is way two...go to this has in it the progressive meter that I use to evaluate stocks for my clients who want to be sure they have a portfolio that is committed to the highest standards. It's specific. Blah blah. They list
world-peace-destroyers on a different scale from environmental-polluters so be careful to note which kind of progressive....Blah blah.
and so on.....
For example, this was on the first page on for a search for "finance"
There's nothing particularly new here, but she gives me a nice overview of what's what. (I guarantee you didn't read it, but you may have skimmed it.) She doesn't philosophise or preach. She just tells me what what I should do.
Here is the first Google return on "blogging tips". The fact that it came up first means it works!
If this style is not for you, that's fine. I'm just telling you what works in the current market of blogging. Blogging is much work so you need to find your voice that is a good mix of what you want to write and people want to read. Be consistent and they'll come (maybe).
But... YOU ARE the number one "financial advisor teaneck"! Yeah!
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