Friday, January 6, 2012

Business Catalyst: Bookings and Webforms

The relationship between Business Catalyst Bookings and Web Forms is not straightforward, but I think I have it.

By default there is a form in Web Forms (under Modules in the main bar menu of the Admin area) called Booking form. (I think there are magic properties to attach this particular name to Bookings. Fair enough.)

Click into the Booking Form; a panel to select systems fields is presented, a rendering of the form (supposedly), then a column for the Action Box and Related actions.

The rendering of the form is apprently the same as if you Preview Webform and Get Web Form HTML Code. But it is NOT NECESSARILY the same as what is presented by the Customize Web Form option (I guess once you've customized it). Very strange. For example, I've added an input field named BookingAllocation to allow users to enter up to 3 guests under one booking. This field does NOT appear in the rendered version or the Preview Web Form display or the Get Web Form HTML Code.

Also, some difficulty to get extra fields to show up on the Confirmation page, verification email and system reports, possibly because I have copied the Booking Form into the Bookings Detail using Advanced Layout Customization. Could be that if I deleted it there, I could just use the Tag Insert Dropdown, but no way I'm changing it now.

In case I need to add a new field later:

You need to have the correct Custom field name, otherwise the form is presented to the user, but the inputted value isn't captured. In the case of the BookingAllocation, that's what it is. (Got that from a Business Catalyst forum I think.) For other fields that are unique to your booking form, here's the steps that I think work:

- Define the new field using the Booking Form Web Forms using the Custom Fields builder.
- Use the Get Web Form HTML Code dialog to get the new tablerow code. The field name will be something like CAT_Custom_328951.
- Put this in (1) the Customize Web Form version AND (2) the Modules, Bookings, Advanced Layout Customization, HTML version.

One more thing: Who uses Mr. in a collection form? This is assumed in the name fields so customization is required for everyone.

I can view the additional fields entered by a customer here:
- one at a time using Modules, Customers, Bookings, View from a line OR
- together by building a report and include (in the Filter by Fields screen which is presented AFTER we choose fields) the Booking Form Custom CRM Form Filter: Booking Form.

Note: Modules, Bookings, View list of Subscribers only gives the Customer data, not the custom booking fields.

Oh, and let's not forget to mention the OPTIN=true parm on the action of the form. This is required to NOT send a confirmation email requiring another step from the customer booking the event. Here's the full action:

So I can change the booking form, add new fields and view the new fields entered by customers.

But I still think the relationship of Bookings and Web Forms is messy and counter-intuitive.

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